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TEC-printer displays «NO RIBBON» even though a ribbon is there

TEC-printer displays «NO RIBBON» even though a ribbon is there

See:  Ribbon is too wide 


TEC-printers distinguish between dark (non-transparent) and greyish (transparent) or coloured (also transparent) thermal transfer ribbons. They turn off only when the trailer at the end of the ribbon shows the exact opposite of the ribbon. To make sure the sensor "knows" what to expect, the printer settings have to be adjusted accordingly. This is done via a display that is either part of the printer or an extra device. If the printer displays "no ribbon" either the setting is not correct or the opacity of the ribbon is too close to the turn off point.



Adjust printer setting either to transparent or to non-transparent ribbon. If that does not work or the setting device is not available: cover the sensor by taping a piece of ribbon to it. Machine will then work on "non transparent".

To change setting of Euroline printers:

1. Switch off printer
2. Simultaneously push the »Feed« and »Pause« button and switch on
3. Release »Feed« and »Pause« button
4. Push »Feed« button one time
5. Push »Pause« button ten times
6. Choose between »Transparent« and »Non-transparent« using the »Feed« button
7. Push »Pause« button once
8. Switch off printer and switch on again.
