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Printing elements appear to be "crammed" together...

Printing elements appear to be "crammed" together...

... in vertical direction and interrupted by small lines. Print changes from grey to black.


Ribbon and label are not advancing at the same rate. The printer "stalls", the ribbon burns through and tears off when it stands still for a longer period during the printing process.

Ribbon sticks to print head due to dirt.



Clean printhead


A typical problem mostly occuring towards the end of the ribbon because the tractive force exercised by the drive engine gets weaker towards the end of the ribbon.

Problem is very difficult to define and to handle. Results from low or incompatible backcoating together with high braking power and weak tractive force.

Call for printer maintenance, use ribbons with less length. In case of emergency: Remove used ribbon and insert empty core. Attach printing ribbon to core. Engine will track much better.

