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Dear customers,

Our current prices are valid until June 30st. 2011. We hoped to be able to continue with these prices until autumn but unfortunately we received important price increases from all our suppliers, mainly on the wax-qualities. So we have to rise the wax-prices starting from the 1st of July 2011 by 7,3 % for 1"-core-rolls, and by 4 % for ½"-core-rolls.

ECONOM and PRIMA, but especially RATIO continue to be proven qualities at interesting prices even after this increase ! We would like to draw your attention especially to the compact24 standard stock dimensions of RATIO - our sales team will provide you with new pricing upon request.

We still cannot exclude further increase this year but we are confident on seeing new production capacity for PET base-film coming to our market. This will limit further increase and will improve availability and supply of certain products.

We can control the whole production process and guarantee the supply situation of wax-qualities ECONOM and PRIMA as we coat these in our factory in France where we have enough base film for our customers needs.
For other wax qualities we might see increased lead times in the 3rd quarter - as our suppliers have not always got enough base film, which they prefer to use for coating higher value wax-resin or resin products.

We are of course available for any question you might have.

Best regards

Andreas Emonts-pohl

