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Dear customers,

the supply of the world-wide TTR industry with 4,5µm polyester base film continues to be difficult. Production capacity of the few manufacturers worldwide is far below current demand from the TTR coating companies - further price increases are inevitable and even the leading coating companies don't seem to have any power to negotiate.

PET purchasing price for our coating activity has seen a 12 % price increase since the beginning of 2011 and price will go up another 11% until June. All our jumbo roll suppliers have increased their prices in the first quarter and as a result - we have no other choice than to adapt our pricing.

We unfortunately have to expect more price increases for PET base film and coated material in 2011.

Current offers and price lists are valid until end of march - but we will extend the validity until end of April 2011. Our sales team will contact you within the next days with information on new prices starting May 1st.2011.

We are sorry for not having better news today. We are able to deliver all products in the necessary quantities to you and will do our best to continue to offer standard stock articles of the compact range at very competitive prices.

We want to continue to support you and your success in the market.
Best regards from Baesweiler

Andreas Emonts-pohl

