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Dear customers,

We - and other TTR manufacturers - have sufficiently informed you about the market situation and price increase in the last weeks and months.
In order to continue to offer you best quality products and competitive prices, we will focus even more on standard articles of our compact range.

We start today and propose 20 bestselling articles in RATIO - our proven and economic wax-quality - at very interesting prices. Click here to get our price- and article-list !

We put these in-stock-articles under the headline compact 24 - and offer three price levels: for 1 box, more than 10 and more than 50 boxes per article and order. We guarantee a reasonable stock level and deliver the same day - if we receive your order before noon.

Compact 24 means: good reliable quality, standard dimensions and article presentation which we produce in big lots, a simple price structure and an excellent service with shortest lead times.

Other qualities will follow.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards
Your CALOR / RTT sales team
